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October 2nd, 2024 

Lisa Cohen, PharmD

Paul Szumita, PharmD

Reviews in Medicine and Anesthesia: Cardiac/Pulmonary Diseases, Dexmedetomidine and Common Sedatives

Lectures (PDF format):

Reviews in Medicine and Anesthesia: Cardiac and Pulmonary Diseases

Dexmedetomidine and common sedatives

May 1st, 2024 

Deepak G. Krishnan, DDS

Keeping Up With the Times: Clinical Updates in Office-Based Anesthesia

October 4th, 2023 

Jason E. Portnof, DMD, MD

Office Anesthesia in Substance Abusers, Diabetes, and Other Endocrine Disorders

May 3rd, 2023 

Robert C. Bosack, DDS

Considerations for the Safe Induction and Maintenance of Anesthesia

Lectures (PDF format):

Lecture Handout

Opioid Handout

Lost Airway Management

September 28th, 2022 (Please not date change from October 5th, 2022)

Thomas Viola, R. Ph., C.C.P.

Complex medical histories, substance abuse, opioids and their impact on anesthesia delivery

Lecture Handout (PDF format)

May 4th, 2022

Stuart E. Lieblich, DMD

Avoiding Complications in Ambulatory Anesthesia: Hey Let's be Careful Out There

Lectures (PDF format):

Avoiding Complications

Reducing Opioids in Our Practices

October 6th, 2021

Edward C. Adlesic, DMD

Perioperative management of patients at risk

Lectures (PDF format):

Allergic Reactions

Hypopneic Hypoventilation

Illicit Drug Use



Opioids and Anesthesia

Perioperative Management of Parkinson Disease

October 2nd, 2019

Jeffrey Fudin, PharmD, DAIPM, FCCP, FASHP, FFSMB

Jacqueline Cleary, PharmD, BCACP
Erica Wegrzyn, PharmD
Jeffery Bettinger, PharmD


Contemporary Issues in Pharmacology: Pharmacogenetics, Dosing, and Beyond

Lectures (PDF format):

Opioid Epidemic: Myths versus Facts
Demystifying Opioid Conversions and Calculations
CDC or Seedy Sea? What Do the Guidelines Mean?
Predicting Risk of Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression and In-Home Naloxone Access
Drug Interactions Among Commonly Prescribed Analgesics

Pharmacogenetic Considerations for Selecting and Dosing Analgesics


May 1st, 2019

Jesse Aron, M.D.

Perioperative Assessment of Contemporary Patients

Pulmonary Assessment

Cardiac Assessment

Breaking Bad

Special Needs Patients

Interesting Cases

October 3rd, 2018

Michael Mashni, D.D.S.

Urgencies to Emergencies: Cases from the Field; Opioids: Current Issues

Lectures (PDF format):

Urgencies and Emergencies

Opioids, What a Pain!

Dental Specialty Update 2018

Legislative Changes in CA

May 2nd, 2018

Mana Saraghi, D.M.D.

Sedation and Anesthesia Update: Hot Button Topics

Lectures (PDF format)

October 4th, 2017

Louis Siegelman, D.D.S.

Office Based Anesthesia; Making Things Easier, Safer, and More Effective

Lectures (PDF format):

Open Airway

Inspired Induction

Decision Framework

Opiods New Jersey

May 3rd, 2017

Gino Gizzarelli, B.Sc., Phm, D.D.S., M.Sc.

North America's Drug Crisis: Death from Above

Lecture Handout PDF(one slide per page)

Lecture Handout PDF(six slides per page)

October 5th, 2016

Lee M. Lichtenstein, DMD

Office Based Sedation and General Anesthesia Techniques

Lectures (PDF format):

Airway Management

Emergency Medicine

General Anesthesia

Human Factors

Potpourri of Valuable Tables

Where to Order Anesthesia Stuff

May 4th, 2016

Robert M. Peskin, DDS

Staying On Top of Your Game: Challenges Facing the Anesthesia Provider in Dental Practice


October 7th, 2015

Edward C. Adlesic, DMD

Ambulatory Anesthesia Update for the Dental Practitioner

May 6th, 2015

Deepak G. Krishnan, DDS

The Eyes Don't See What The Mind Does Not Know


October 1st, 2014

Richard C. Robert, DDS

Meeting the Challenges of Office-Based Anesthesia in the 21st Century


May 7th, 2014

Ronald W. Kosinski, DMD

The Pediatric Dental Patient . . . .Friend or Foe?


October 2, 2013

Shahid R. Aziz, DMD, MD, FACS

Perioperative Management of the Medically Compromised Patient


May 1, 2013

Harold L. Crossley, DDS, MS, PhD

Pharmacokinetics, Street Drugs and Drug

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